Després de que la Gina em comentés que les meves lletres de GDE son multiinterpretables, m'agradaria fer un experiment i penjar 2 lletres perque en digueu que interpreteu de les mateixes.
Long time
I was waitng you here
any move next to “shin”
You stop on nine
one to eight was enought o see
that outside
the blue eyed hug will shine your sea
But... inside the thunder
metal force glassed breath
And cloudy days has come
unexpected an undesired
Stormy moments when
they beg god and wants you to fight
I started to cry
empathy is what I felt
Everything around us
knows that life cross while you plan
But... inside the thunder
metal force glassed breath
I won't tell you that it's alright
'cause I don't believe it
I'm aware of the big thing you have lost
Different feelings you will find
inside both of you
I will beg him to understand
And cloudy days has come
unexpected an undesired
Stormy moments when
they beg god and wants you to fight
I started to cry
empathy is what I felt
Everything around us
knows that life cross while you plan
But... inside the thunder
metal force glassed breath
If you want to feel alive
take your dreams by your hands
and never let it out
That's what Steve told me
Before he get in collapse
with cocaine and all those kind of drugs
that he took last night
Lema sold her face
to a wealthy man
after the weeding and the honey moon
her corpse is lying down
That's what the dual face
of an hipercapitalism race
that sold it to them people, they use the darkest thoughts
of its political class
Something I can say
If you want to feel alive
take your dreams by your hands
and never let i out
Bueno, a mi em semblen bastant clares... nusé. De totes maneres a mesura que les vagi composant les aniré penjant.